For the last three weeks, I have been trying this diet, which was recommended to me by several of my friends. And so far I have lost 11 pounds, which is I believe something around 4-5 kilos, which is excellent and I feel great. Few of those friends were kind enough and sent me their transformations for this blog post.
I thought that my weight loss would stop after the first 5-7 days, which usually happens when I try a new diet, but I keep losing fat. So far, I did not experience any tiredness from the diet or any other bad symptoms. So far, I don’t feel confident enough to share my progress, but once I reach my desired body weight, I will share my results. And next week I will post another short blog post about how my progress is going 😊.
If you want to know more about the diet, click here.
And I almost forgot Karen gave me an excellent tip. From what she said, this was one of the best things to keep her on track. She told me that she had bought this. She weights her self and also measured her body fat every day and later on only every other day. The fact that she saw progress every day kept her on a diet. I, of course, bought it too, hopefully, I will be disciplined as she was. So far, so good. If you are serious about this, I suggest to buy this or at least buy some cheap body fat caliper.