Rule 34 Paheal

Most of you who landed on this article are probably wondering what in the hell rule 34 paheal means? Well, you are in the right place. I will explain it in the second. Rule34Paheal is a website that focuses on memes. But in the last few years, the site grew more into an adult website. They have even changed their bio/about page, and now it states: “if it can be thought up, there is porn of it.” And guess where the content is? Yes, on their website.

Since users of their website can post content similarly like on Reddit or 4chan, the site has millions of memes, gifs, and videos. Not all of them are in the adult section, but lately, the adult section has been growing like crazy.

Can you imagine Fortnite xxx? Or Pokemon Go xxx? No? Users of rule 34 paheal definitely can, and they did. If you look up Fortnite on their website, you will find out that there are over 33 pages of “Fortnite” content, and each page has roughly around 42 images, which equals in over 13 hundred fortnite adult images. The same goes for Pokemon if you do not believe me. Again, search term pokemon on their site. I just searched for it, and it showed me over 117 thousand results. Pikachu alone has over 5 thousand pieces of content.

If you like manga, for example, this website will be heaven for you. There is anything you can imagine or even the things you can’t imagine, the website rule 34 paheal has all of them.

Why they call their website rule 34 paheal

What rule 34 paheal means? If you want to find out keep reading the article in the direction of the arrow in this image, which is underneath the text on the image.

Well, they have 34 rules. The most important rule of the site tho is that you cannot upload anything on their site, which has underaged people in, which should be a must on all websites, but unfortunately, it is still not, and it is 2019 for god’s sake. Also they ToS do not allow you to photoshop images of underage and for example, to put their face on a real body, which is over 18 years old. Thank god they do this because this site is bizarre since they have everything else on their website.

Also, you can’t upload anything that would deceive animals, but drawings are acceptable, which for example, I found bizarre, but since it is not illegal, I guess it is ok? I don’t know.

The funny thing is that they also have rules about “soft” images or videos. They don’t like cleavages or topless men. Unless there are “real” images and their count is over 60, then you can upload soft stuff in that category, quite weird.

What is unique about rule 34 paheal is that they do not have any categories. Everything users upload is stored via hashtags. And the only way to find the content you are looking for is via searching with hashtags. But last year they have implemented that you can search with several hashtags in place, which helps a lot.

I have never seen anything like this site. And I mean that. The content on their website is crazy and also the number of visitors they get each day.

What I dislike on the site

The design is quite bad; it looks like it was designed back in the 1990s, and it was never changed. The green color is a decent choice since it is a well-known fact that green color is a calming color. But other than that, what are they doing! The site almost does not work on mobile phones; I hate that! What else? Well, as I have mentioned, they do not have categories on their site, which I do not understand. Also, if they had like the most popular post of the day or something like that. I believe it would help the site.

Why I am writing about them

Well, most people are not aware of the site, which sounds crazy, because of the number of visitors they get each month, that is just crazy. I will talk about that later. But what is great about this site, they have one of the most active user bases I have ever seen. And they are generating content for them. Also, another upside is that this site is entirely free. And the age warning pop up is another plus for them. I believe every adult site should have that!

By the way, if you are a Minecraft player, you will lose your mind, if you use that hashtag for searching on their website. The amount of content which they have on Minecraft is incredible and at the same time, scary and weird.

Is rule 34 paheal legit site?

Is it safe to visit the rule34paheal website? Yes, it is, but it is good to take a few precautions before visiting them. If you want to find out which ones keep reading the article.

Yes, they are legit. But I would still make a still few adjustments, before visiting their website, to be safe. I will talk about that later down this article. But yeah, other than that, they are legit. And they are also growing like crazy, plus their user base is very loyal. Just six months ago, they had “only” 30 million monthly visits. This month they have reached over 41 million visits. They have a steady growth of 1.5 million visits per month, which is unheard of.

They receive traffic from 247 countries, and the US has the most amount of visitors, of course. Since the website is in English. Almost 26% of their visitors are from the United States. And they spend around 8 minutes on the site. But what has stuck with me the most, over 53% of visits are direct? What that means, that users write rule34paheal dot net in their browser. This means that this website will never be down, or it should not be. Because even if all the social media sites ban them and also google. They will still receive over 21 million visits monthly.

How to visit safely rule 34 paheal website

First of all, if you are not using google chrome or Mozilla. Get one of that browser, don’t worry, they are for free. They are not mandatory to visit rule 34 paheal site. But if you want to do it safely, you need an AdBlock. And so far, the best AdBlock plugins are made for google chrome and Mozilla Firefox. So get one of those browsers and also download for that browser the plugin called ad block or ad block plus. Both of them are for free, and they work great.

Why should you do that?

Well, since rule 34 paheal is mainly an adult website. They can’t run Adsense ads. They have to use other sources, and they have less restriction for advertisers and less detection of viruses and phishing attacks in comparison to AdSense. And you can quickly get a virus for your pc or be a victim of a phishing attack.

My other concern is what they do with the data they gather. If you want to be truly safe, you can download VPN to change your IP before visiting such a site. I can recommend this one.

My last thoughts

Rule 34 paheal is a unique website. I am amazed at what a community they have built, whit such a “simple” website. And I was also amazed by how many different niches the site has. But it is the creativity of the users, which makes the website grow, which is impressive. But you can also find on there a lot of weird stuff. If you have never been on their website. Just visit it from curiosity. And think of a niche or thing that you think is not there yet. And there is a good chance that rule 34 Paheal website will amaze you because they will have an xxx version of your search.

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